Children's House Curriculum

Ages 3 - 6

Children's House Curriculum

Children in our Children's House Community have exposure to six key areas:

Practical Life:

Exercises and activities that children observe in daily life. These activities develop children's independence, coordination, concentration, and fine and gross motor skills. These lessons inspire your child with real-world, purposeful tasks and tools, helping to see themselves as capable and competent.


Activities that teach children to refine their senses of touch, sound, smell, and taste so that they are able to organize sensory impressions and their understanding of the world. Children this age use their senses to explore the world. They enjoy the beautiful sensorial materials and learn to compare and contrast, to discern slight differences, and to build internal order.


Our thoughtfully-planned classroom environment encourages growth in oral language, written expression, reading, and grammar elements. The approach to reading instruction is phonics-based and highly sequential, with additional accommodations adapted to different types of learners. Children are taught through manipulative materials that allow them a great deal of autonomy


We use concrete materials to represent all types of quantities to engage your child in the basic operations of mathematics. We use combining, separating, sharing, counting, and comparing. 
Using carefully prepared tools and manipulative materials, children are led through a logical mathematical thought process— from concrete to abstract – to understand concepts like linear counting, the decimal system, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Your child will learn to love math the Montessori way!


Multicultural studies lay a foundation of mutual understanding by exposing children to geography, history, physical, and life science basics. Children gain an awareness of the world around them by exploring other countries, their customs, foods, languages, and wildlife for example. Capitalizing on the young child’s propensity for language acquisition, Spanish language and culture is integrated into the prepared environment through individual and small group instruction utilizing hands-on materials, conversational interaction, songs and literature.

Grace and Courtesy:

Grace and Courtesy lessons are essentially teaching the children what it means to be polite and how to appropriately communicate their feelings. These lessons are often demonstrated through role-play given by the teacher and students who are willing to demonstrate their etiquette (the children are always very entertained by these lessons!)

Sensorial Examples

Rough and Smooth Boards

Rough and Smooth Tablet Matching

Rough and Smooth Grading

Thermic Tablets

Thermic Bottles

Baric Tablets

Smelling Bottles

Tasting Bottles

Cylinder Blocks

Pink Tower

Brown Stairs

Red Rods

Memory Games

Knobless Cylinders

Geometry Cabinet

Geometry Cards

Geometric Solids

Stereognostic Games

Geometric Solids and Bases

Botany Cabinet

Botany Cards

Color Box 1

Color Box 2

Color Box 3


Mystery Bag

Fabric Box

Graded Geometric Figures

Binomial Cube

Trinomial Cube

Decanomial Square

Constructive Triangle Boxes

Sensory Tray

Sound Boxes - Matching and Grading

Bells- Matching and Grading

Playing Songs on Bells

Composing Songs on Bells

Musical Instruments Exploration

Language Examples

Spoken Language

Three Period Lesson

Enrichment of Vocabulary

Object in the Environment

Sensorial Vocabulary

Classified Cards

Extensions of the Second Period

Extensions of the Third Period

Modeled Language Experience

Guided Language Experience


Question Game

The Sound Game

Individual Sandpaper Letters

Sand Tray

Phonogram Sandpaper Letters

Sandpaper Letters Connection Lesson

Movable Alphabet

Small Movable Alphabet

Metal Insets

Mechanics of Writing: Unlined and Lined Chalkboard

Handwriting Extensions

Writing Names

Cursive and Print Matching

Phonetic Object Box

Phonetic Reading Cards

Phonetic Captions to Pictures

Phonetic Commands

Names and Pictures

Phonogram Object Box

Phonogram Booklets

Key Phonograms

Alternate Spelling Packets

Writing One Key Phonogram

Spelling Movable Alphabet with One Key Phonogram

Puzzle Words

Spelling Patterns

Reading Classification

Objects in the Environment

Sensorial Vocabulary

Three Part Cards

Definition Booklets

Definitions in Three Stages

Function of Words

Grammar Symbols

Definite and Indefinite Article


Logical Adjective Game

Detective Adjective Game




Verb: Actions with Objects

Verb: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Verb: Tenses

Verb: Internal Actions


Logical Adverb Game

Continuation of Commands

Reading Analysis

Simple Sentences: Hunting the Subject

Simple Sentences: Hunting the Object

Simple Sentences: Independent Work

Simple Sentences: Extensions

Simple Sentences: Attributes

Simple Sentences: Appositions

Word Study

Reading Books

Dictionary Game (alphabetical order and word search)


Mathematics Examples

Number Rods

Sandpaper Numerals

Number Rods and Cards

Spindle boxes

Writing Numbers 1-10

Zero Game

Bead Bars and Frame

Cards and Counters

Memory game of Numbers

Decimal System: Static

Golden Beads

Introduction to Symbol

Formation of Numbers

Formation of Numbers with Zero

Formation of Beads

Decimal System: Dynamic

Change Game

Collective Exercise

Stamp Game

Dot Game

Word Problems

Continuation of Counting Teens

Writing Numbers 11-20


100 Chain

100 Board

1000 Chain

200 Board

Short Chains

Long Chains

Recording the Chains

Number Pyramid

Exploration and Memorization of

Essential Combinations

Addition Snake Game

Addition Strip Board

Subtraction Snake Game

Subtraction Strip Board

Multiplication Bead Bars

Multiplication Bead Board

Unit Division Board

Addition Chart

Multiplication Chart

Small Bead Frame

Wooden Hierarchical Material

Large Bead Frame

Racks and Tubes

Short Division




Liquid Measurement

Surveys, Tallies, and Bar Graphs


Culture Examples

Sandpaper Globe

Colored Globe

Geography Folders

Cultural Artifact Trays

Flag Study

Holiday Study Exposure

Puzzle Maps

  • World Map
  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Oceania


Living / Nonliving

Soil, Air, Water Sorting

Animal Study Exposure

Parts of Animal Puzzles

Parts of Animal Booklets

Parts of Animal 3 Part Cards

Nature Study Exposure

Botany Cabinet

Botany Cards

Rock/Gem/Mineral Study

Shell 3 Part Cards and Matching

Nature Tray

Magnetic / Non-magnetic Sorting

Sink and Float Exercises

Land and Water Forms

  • Lake
  • Island
  • Bay
  • Cape
  • System of Lakes
  • Archipelago
  • Peninsula
  • Gulf
  • Isthmus
  • Strait

Birthday Celebrations

Grace & Courtesy Examples

Working on a Task Together

Giving Comfort

Offering to Give Help

Accepting / Declining a Hug

Giving a Gift

Receiving a Gift

Introducing Oneself

Introducing Someone Else

Inviting Someone to an Event

Serving Someone

Asking for Help

Excusing Oneself

Asking a Person to Move

Taking Turns

Making Eye Contact

Shaking Hands

Listening to Directions

Giving Thanks

Getting Someone's Attention

Being Kind

Working Alone

Speaking Softly Indoors

Walking Indoors


Saying "No"

Waiting Patiently

Demonstrating Table Manners


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